‘My journey in my spiritual path of service is led by the seeker’ says Meri Ramey, the spiritual leader

Asha Bajaj
7 min readApr 3, 2021


#Colorado; #UnitedStates; #SpritualJourney; #MeriRamey; #InDivinity; #InnerWisdomCommunity; #InstituteOfNoeticSciences

Canadian-Media: Meri Ramey, the spiritual leader from Colorado (United States) believes that the true path of spirituality starts with the moments of surrender where you find yourself in the freedom of divine spirit.

Spiritual path. Image credit: Unsplash

Asha Bajaj, Editorial-Director, and publisher of Canadian-Media had an opportunity to discuss with Meri Ramey about the spiritual journey she has started.

​The excerpt of the interview is as follows:

Asha to Meri: Following the Spiritual path is a noble endeavor. What motivated you to follow this path?

Meri: Following a spiritual path is a noble endeavor. Once you are on this path, it becomes a humble honor to be in service. What motivated me to follow the path of spirituality was the purest calling, it is the tug, moments of surrender where you find yourself in the freedom of divine spirit.

Please highlight your educational background? Was spirituality included in your studies?

My educational background falls into a regular path walked by most, elementary school, to junior high school, to high school and then to Fashion Design school, barber school, and then studying psychology receiving a Bachelor of Arts. ​

One thing I knew, that the expression of understanding how people think without judging was in my DNA and and I knew things that I wouldn’t have ‘known’, as I did not see them happen, but I could see them in my mind.

​Spirituality was a study I did on my own. Knowing things my entire life, having memories from when I was 6 months, I assumed that everyone knew what I did. I had studied bits and pieces until a year and a half ago when push came to shove and I had to jump into my soul’s purpose. I knew what was happening in my life was ‘bigger than me’ and there was no turning around. It was time to step in.

Do you do freelancing? If so where are your articles published?

I perform freelance within spirituality. I have not written any articles on spirituality, or the work that I do, as the study is extremely important. I made it a point to be available to truly honor what is being brought to my attention to learning, as that is the true path of the journey of faith.

Having absolute faith in what you cannot see and know that you are always walking the path. Every step you take, courageously, beautifully, and lovingly, unfolds a path of your high purpose, being the light in the forest.

I also channel when it is requested, my very dear friend writes down all the notes while I am channeling. One that I performed was for a gentleman serving a life sentence, he did not commit the crime, after 38 years his story came to me and now the unfolding of the true story begins.

Do you belong to an organization? If so, give a brief description of it.

I belong to The Inner Wisdom Community, based in Colorado, USA. It is created from, and holds the platform, for all who surrender in service, learn how to expand from within, and share with many.

Inner Wisdom Community. Image credit: Facebook Page

The Inner Wisdom Community was my ‘new home’, the loving place from where I could grow and become who I am today. I am so humbled and honored for this loving Community, grateful isn’t enough, but thankful, I am.

Can you describe in brief the services you offer, and the mode of services?

The services that I offer are the entire rainbow of possibilities, which I love. I honor everyone’s journey, as not all are on the same quest in their spirituality, yet they are still in search of a direction, an answer, and freedom from what is holding them back. I know that I was given many ‘gifts’. Once I understood that I knew how to help many people towards that path of spirituality, modes of transmission of services became expansive including reading tarot cards, channeling spirits, harnessing energy, expanding one’s gifts, leading meditations, soul transformation therapy, and working within the quantum field.

My journey in my spiritual path of service is led by the seeker. When I receive the message, I choose the delivery method.

Were you able to offer any virtual services to people suffering from isolation and depression due to the Covid-19 pandemic shut down and other restrictions? If so, please give a few examples of such services.

Covid-19 shutdowns was a time for me to really step in do service to all. As I was required to serve just not one person, but to serve worldwide I was entrusted with different tasks to fulfill the needs of all the receivers.

The beautiful meditations began to unfold and I was able to present them and lead the group in The Inner Wisdom Community online. I can say, that the meditations shifted the vibration of those in attendance and break open any fear and shake it loose, replacing it with unconditional love and acceptance for being exactly who they are, perfect.

The additional work I was using, as I have called it, ‘the vibration of all creation’ were falling into the field of infinite possibilities, and all creative beauties surrender to the acceptance of purpose greater than anyone can see, but everyone can feel. That is the powerful work that moves mountains. From this vibration of the deep service, souls awaken.

​Do you do anything else for living?

I do also have a ‘day job’. I work in construction performing mechanical insulation. I own my company Gray Insulation and Fabrication, currently and I enjoy the hands-on work of the day.

Can you throw more light on the platform ‘Abundance?’

The light of ‘Abundance’ can seem far-fetched and to think that the light is visible only to those who won the lottery and born wealthy, is not true. I am also a Consultant for Proctor Gallagher Institute. I absolutely put this under the spiritual realm as it works within ‘what you cannot see’. I love this as well.

​For me, personally, businesses especially can have such a great, beautiful impact on who they employ, the economy, and the country they live in. This is substantial, bringing together both the work-life and honoring your spiritual growth landing in prosperity that you never thought you could achieve.

It is amazing! Collectively, everyone who works within a company, together creating change, positively affects everyone in the company and who interacts with the company. The exact same service can be done in your life. It does not just happen overnight because how a person feels about abundance does not just change overnight. With work like this, I dedicate an average of two hours a week to the person’s, or company’s, process. There are tools that go along with this to help and assist with preparing to receive abundance.

Most recently you were a part of two groups and were recorded for your research on an experiment and collectively answered science questions. Can you describe this in greater detail?

I am so deeply honored, to have recently been a part of the first group channeling for scientific research, answering questions having a global impact. The intent of the research, being two-fold, was one to bring two groups together, on opposing sides of the planet, one group from North America, and another from Italy. Each group participated collectively on a video call, to be monitored and given time to begin and complete within a specific time period. We were given a series of scientific questions and began channeling collectively, writing out the responses coming through. Absolutely beautiful. We performed the same tasks two days in a row and we were given a different set of questions to channel each day.

What are your future plans?

My future plans are to expand every single moment of my life. Every step I take, willingly and intentionally, to be in service to all, everything expands. I also work with those who are already in either energy work, a personal journey, or expanding their path in service, and we work together to open them up and remove metaphysical barriers that may be holding them from their soul’s purpose.

My future’s path aligns with removing all walls of judgment, differences, conformity, control, fear, lack, purposeless, and speaking into the freedom, love, abundance, and acceptance that we are all worthy. We are worthy of all; of love, joy, peace, limitless freedom where everything is possible, and being already grateful for the moment never-ending. And so it is.

I am exceptionally grateful for this moment and opportunity to share with Asha Bajaj and her platforms. Thank you, Asha, for your willingness and availability to share with your audience this spiritual journey as it may speak to many who feel these words call their name.​​​

​I am grateful for the amazing work constantly being done at the Institute of Noetic Sciences (IONS), an American non-profit parapsychological research institute with its mission to reveal the interconnected nature of reality through scientific exploration and personal discovery.

IONS. Image credit: Facebook page

This is my website: http://fearlessdivinespirit.com

Soul Transformation Therapy and Abundance training sessions can also be found at http://fearlessdivinespirit.com

You may also contact me at my email address: theinnerwisdomcommunity@gmail.com

Please know that there are divine spirits at work and we are doing a great job. Know this to be true!



Asha Bajaj
Asha Bajaj

Written by Asha Bajaj

I write on national and international Health, Politics, Business, Education, Environment, Biodiversity, Science, First Nations, Humanitarian, gender, women

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