Soul Purpose is a deep inner calling unique to each and every individual on the planet: Dr. Rebekah Louisa Smith

Asha Bajaj
6 min readSep 13, 2021


#BornToDoIt; #DrRebekahLouisaSmith, #SoulPurpose; #niche; #KeyPerformanceIndicators; #cosmicOrders; #Manifestations; #CosmicEnergy; #SpiritualInspirarion

Canadian-Media: A review of the book ‘Born To Do It’ by Dr. Rebekah Louisa Smith is given by Asha Bajaj, editorial director, publisher and marketing of Canadian-Media.

Dr. Rebekah Louisa Smith

With the belief that spiritual practices and the law of attraction makes entrepreneur businesses thrive, Dr. Rebekah Louisa Smith, author of the book “Born to Do It” highlights techniques to help find your soul purpose, which is the backbone of the leadership in your business in accomplishing abundance in life.

Although the book should be read by all entrepreneurs from starting to end, the author shows “How to Use the Book” with its breakdown of the structure of its contents within each chapter enables the readers to make a choice pertaining to their needs and their interest followed by the exercise to achieve success makes this book a must to be read by young and old irrespective of their professions and ambitions.

Rebekah enlightens the readers through her own experiences to discover their soul purposes, one of the hardest things to do but worth the effort since it fulfills one’s dreams with the most joy, love, and happiness which enabled her to deviate her goal from academia to the field of the film after completing her Ph.D. through to the end.

The entrepreneurs learn to discover and master their niche, the importance of organization’s energetic branding with an effective logo and sales pitch by integrating cosmic ordering and manifestation to make one’s business loveable to attract potential customers and having the ability to solve their problems.

Following Chris Holland as the man behind Film Festival Secrets, and with her own research, she was able to find the target market while attending the world’s largest film festival, the Cannes Film Festival in May 2010.

The readers are also given insight from several other authors and coaches as well such as Ed J.C. Smith, Ellen Watts, Gerlanda Milioto, Business Strategist; Dr Marie Diamond, and Nand Harjani, CEO and Founder of Creative Life Sciences, who all had helped Rebekah towards the discovery of her soul purpose, her realization of a global market of filmmakers who needed help and support, she was able to turn her knowledge into a unique business within a world of a handful of companies around the world with similar businesses.

Entrepreneurs are taught how to maintain a spreadsheet with the name of the client, the date you connected with your client, the service/product they are interested in, status (so you can keep a note of when you last communicated with them and where you are at in terms of closing a deal with them), type of lead, cost of the service and the prospective client’s contact details.

The 2nd essential component is to implement Key Performance Indicators (KPI) such as multiple channels from which you can get business such as social media, events, and workshops attended, word of mouth, direct referrals, direct recommendations, strategic partnerships, and affiliate websites and keeping track of where you get the most business.

The author validates through her own experience how KPI helped her to identify the source from which she got most business from such as festival strategy consultancy clients.

The entrepreneurs also learn to create their own master KPI template, master sales forecast template, write an ebook, publish books, write a weekly or fortnightly blog on your websites; identifying the Items of your website with which your audience engages most; create a podcast show, give a presentation on the services you offer, deliver workshops at relevant trade and industry events, and find ways to celebrate your successes on social media platforms, the radio, and in the media. In addition, they imbibe the art of creating an effective killer sale pitch, which should be different each time, do your research and not overwhelm the clients with loads of information, all of which leads to becoming a leader in their niche and position themselves as experts.

Rebekah enlightens the readers through her own experience that your soul purpose will never let you down during this process if you speak to the right clients, and keep them forefront, by listening to them and relating to what they are saying with patience — not to wait for the customer to make a call to action; not be too hard on yourself and always remain emotionally detached.

This book raises awareness among the readers that integration of a spiritual practice into the watertight infrastructure of one’s company leads to the development of a positive mindset to integrate cosmic ordering and manifestations either through meditation, visualization, via your conscious or subconscious mind.

Through her own experiences with her boyfriend, and through her everyday rituals, Rebekah explains that cosmic energy and cosmic orders are about you-specifically what you want for yourself and are, therefore, delivered to you.

This entails the conversion of your monthly and your daily goals into cosmic orders.

During this process, one should not think about money. The author validates this statement by saying it helped her put her whole business into perspective when through her positive thoughts, she shifts her focus from when orders would be delivered to how amazing the film will be, which festivals she would like to get it seen in and how much she will enjoy nurturing these wonderful filmmakers.

Rebekah says in her book that this cosmic order also works unplanned and spontaneously and having faith in the process of being positive and considering the Universe, around which everything revolves, is your best friend.

This fact led the author to change her manifestation affirmation “I believe and trust the Universe” to “It is my intent to have no fear and self-doubt within me and to completely trust the direction the Universe is guiding me through for the sake of continuously enchanting and growing my relationships, my business and myself.”

She also explains that manifesting is reaching a point where you are able to resolve any challenging situation professionally and to the best of your ability and with kindness, which is a true quality of leadership.

This book inspires everyone to succeed in their endeavors in whatever profession they pursue by keeping their vision board clean, uncluttered, and filled with motivational affirmative words and inspiring quotes like ‘courage’ love, or ‘inspiration’ representing how you want to feel, to create a new vision board at the start of each year, placing it in the office where 90 percent of their time is spent, and keeping the vision board in mind before they say their manifestations and place their cosmic orders.

Cosmic ordering and manifestations are both very powerful tools, says Rebekah in her book, and the implementation of both these techniques in your business is extremely important to get the balance right by focusing cosmic ordering on one area and manifestation as another important area to facilitate closely as a team.

The readers are encouraged to ask themselves the question: what does it really feel like to do what they are born to do? and draft three manifestations that are important to them, rehearse them, until they reach a point when you feel calmer, focused, more inspired, to be in the best physical, mental, and emotional health and to cultivate a feeling of appreciation towards the giver of kindness; gifts, help, favor and all other types of generosity.

Pub Date: Oct 20, 2020

Page Count: 180
ISBN: 10: 0995684987 Publisher: Butterfly House Publishing
ISBN: 13: 978–0–9956849–8–0 Categories: Business
Paperback CAN $25.99 Copyright: @Dr Rebekah Louisa Smith 2020



Asha Bajaj

I write on national and international Health, Politics, Business, Education, Environment, Biodiversity, Science, First Nations, Humanitarian, gender, women