US Holocaust Memorial Museum commemorates 2022 International Holocaust Remembrance Day

Asha Bajaj
2 min readJan 29, 2022


US Holocaust Memorial Museum. Image credit: Wikipedia

#USHolocaustMemorialMuseum; #Antiseminism; #Jews; #MillionsKilled; #2022InternationalHolocaustRemembranceDayCommemoration

Washington: Commemoration of 2022 International Holocaust Remembrance Day was observed at the US Holocaust Memorial Museum as a solemn event marking International Holocaust Remembrance Day, designated by the United Nations to be January 27, the anniversary of the liberation of Auschwitz-Birkenau.

Eighty years since the Holocaust began, violent antisemitism still remains a threat, as witnessed at a Texas synagogue this month. The lessons of this history were relevant and were the focus of this. Survivors reflected on and honored the lives of Europe’s Jews, who were targeted for annihilation, other victims of Nazi persecution, and individuals who chose to help. After you watch the program, find names to read and victims and survivors to remember at this link.

Chartered by a unanimous Act of Congress in 1980 and located adjacent to the National Mall in Washington, DC, the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum is a living memorial to the Holocaust inspiring citizens and leaders worldwide to confront hatred, prevent genocide, and promote human dignity.

With an aim to broaden public understanding of the history of the Holocaust, the museum has organized multifaceted programs such as exhibitions; research and publication; collecting and preserving material evidence, art, and artifacts related to the Holocaust.

Still, other materials are annual Holocaust commemorations known as Days of Remembrance; distribution of teacher resources and education materials as well as a variety of public programming that enhances understanding of the Holocaust and related issues, including those of contemporary significance.

The Holocaust was the state-sponsored annihilation of European Jewry by Nazi Germany and its collaborators between 1933 and 1945.

As America’s national institution for the documentation, study, and interpretation of Holocaust history, the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum serves as this country’s memorial to the millions of people murdered during the Holocaust.

Jews were the primary victims, with six million being murdered. Roma, people with disabilities, and Poles were also targeted for destruction for racial, ethnic, or national reasons.

The Museum provides a powerful lesson in the fragility of freedom and the need for vigilance in preserving democratic values. Today we face an alarming rise in Holocaust denial and antisemitism in several parts of the world. This is occurring just as we approach a time when Holocaust survivors and other eyewitnesses will no longer be alive.

With its primary mission to advance and disseminate knowledge about this unprecedented tragedy, the museum serves to preserve the memory of those who suffered and reflect upon the moral and spiritual questions raised by the events of the Holocaust as well as their own responsibilities as citizens of a democracy.



Asha Bajaj

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